Oct 25, 2019 | Mountaineering, Switzerland
Hidden from the trails by some rocks, the view from where I stand is breathtaking: the first rays of sun are bathing a distant snowy massif in a pink-orangy light. I’m soaking up the moment and I start realizing that this is it. Even if you don’t make it any farther. This is all worth it, worth the 3am alarm on a Saturday morning, worth the pain to try to find the trail in the dark and the cold. This exact magical moment. This is why you’re doing it.
Oct 20, 2019 | Skiing, Switzerland
I stop and look around, the sky is the purest blue, I can’t see a cloud, birds are singing and we have an amazing view on Wägitalersee lower down. I remember it’s been officially spring for 2 days now. I’m suddenly overwhelmed by what has now become a pretty familiar feeling of bliss, always coming after an emotional rollercoaster in the mountains.
Oct 13, 2019 | Thoughts
You know the feeling you get when you treat yourself to a new notebook? This feeling that you are creating something new. That you are getting a fresh start. It’s exciting. But it’s also intimidating. Because indeed, everything is yet to be written. You know that feeling you get in front of a blank page? You hope you will do things the right way and you get this almost crippling fear of not doing it correctly. But you have to start somewhere, right? Otherwise you just don’t do anything. So let’s start here!
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