Mar 30, 2022 | France, Mammenn, Thoughts
My Tour de France: 6’000 kilometers, cycling and running for 4 months, on the roads and trails of France. Called Mammenn, as a reference to my Breton origins, this project brings together my love for cycling, running and being outdoors, and my wish to (re)discover France.
Jan 3, 2021 | Thoughts
So above all, what I feel at the end of this year is gratitude. For getting to know myself a bit better in front of change and hardship. For discovering and getting the hang of such a powerful way of dealing with anxieties. For the time I was able to spend outside and for such an extensive playground so close to home.
Mar 29, 2020 | Thoughts
Right now I’m trying to find a sense in what seems like a crazy non-sensical situation. A purpose in “staying at home”, other than waiting it out. I hope that something else can emerge from that time spent inside. Something more than just a big sigh of relief when I’m finally setting foot in the mountains again. During these days where everybody is struggling to find peace with the situation, with reactions ranging from anxiety to frustration, I’m also on my own quest for meaning and purpose.
Oct 13, 2019 | Thoughts
You know the feeling you get when you treat yourself to a new notebook? This feeling that you are creating something new. That you are getting a fresh start. It’s exciting. But it’s also intimidating. Because indeed, everything is yet to be written. You know that feeling you get in front of a blank page? You hope you will do things the right way and you get this almost crippling fear of not doing it correctly. But you have to start somewhere, right? Otherwise you just don’t do anything. So let’s start here!
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